What topics would you like to investigate in the future?
I often like to look into the dark corners, and find stories that few pay attention to. Although people love films about primates, giraffes, and sharks, perhaps because they’re animal lovers and it makes it a little easier to learn about the bad news through watching stories about wildlife, I often focus my attention on the invisible. On chemistry, on the innocuous threats we face. To me the challenge of making films, about subjects that people pay little attention to, keeps me engaged in the filmmaking process, because filmmaking is really about visual storytelling. The ultimate challenge is to tell stories about things that are naked to the human eye, but are a threat to us all. So in the future, as in the past, I will continue to explore unseen worlds, touch upon notions and topics that are rarely written about or documented, and try to help audiences further understand the significance of protecting the global environment. Don’t be surprised if one day I decide to make a film like Dumb and Dumber too.